I'm wondering how much is too much to share at this point, since I don't really know who my audience is (who an I kidding? I don't have an audience...yet) and I don't really know who I want it to be.
Alright, that sounds cryptic, but here's what I mean:
I'm feeling the need to get a jump on the photo-taking process, 'cuz this blog's frankly boring without it. But the sad truth is, at least until I'm ready to pull the trigger on a big purchase, I don't have a camera at my disposal. Like I mentioned in my first post, my boyfriend will be helping with the illustrations to start, but he has a big honkin' camera that's frankly no fun and rather awkward to lug around with us everywhere. I've talked him into taking it out with us tonight, but with that comes the explanations.

We're heading out to catch dinner and a show with two friends of ours who will undoubtedly wonder why we're suddenly being so snap-happy with the camera. I mean, we never bring a camera with us anywhere, and we spend a fair amount of time with this couple.
So what do we tell them when they ask? I'm not really publicizing my blog yet -- at least not until I feel a little bit more comfortable in my new skin here. But - gah - I'm not going to lie about it either, to our friends. So I'm thinking I'll have to fess up. Is it weird that I'm feeling a little self-conscious about people I know reading my new blog?
I know, I know. Some people have real problems. Welcome to the world of the overly neurotic.
But please come back to check out whatever pictures we glean from tonight's festivities! I do believe the show will involve some acrobatics, which should make for fun photo-fodder.
And P.S. In the interest of not calling him "my boyfriend" every time he's mentioned in this blog, I'd like to introduce you to Alex. But the truth is that's not actually his name. It's a shortened version of his middle name. His first name, on the other hand, is quite unique. So much so that he only one or two or maybe three other humans on the entire planet, that we know of, have the same name. It's a dead giveaway. I'm not trying to be totally anonymous here, and I do plan to show pictures of the two of us in which you can actually see our faces (unlike, ahem, the Casa Rosada shot). And my name's legit -- I am a Megan. But if I give up his name, all it would take is a quick trip to Facebook and you'd have us figured out in a second. So for now, he's Alex.
P.P.S. Here we are. I know we're faceless, but this is my favoritest picture ever of the two of us. It was taken last summer during a little camping trip we took on Martha's Vineyard, the Island where we met and used to live. It was a spectacularly beautiful night, so we grabbed some take-out Thai, some fancy cheese, and a bottle of wine and climbed up to this sandy camp-spot overlooking the ocean. Breathtaking doesn't even begin to describe this place. It was a magnificent night, and we managed to take two awesome silhouette photos that I'll treasure always. Here's the non kissy-face one. Cheers!

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